Montreal Smoked Beef, Sliced (200-224g)

Quinn's Meats

Produced In: Yarker, Ontario

Just 4 available!

Size: 200g-224g


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Price Per Unit: $4.19/100g
Storage: Frozen
Made from Enright Cattle Co's fresh beef hip roast, this beef is seasoned, cured and sliced at Quinn's Meats in Yarker, Ontario.

Darold and Kara Enright took over the provincially licensed abbatoir and processor in 2021, when the original owners Brian and Brenda Quinn retired. Keeping these small processors open and thriving is important to our local food systems, and the only way to ensure access to locally raised meats.

Note: These deli meats have been frozen upon packaging to ensure freshness. The best before date on the package is intended for fresh (fridge) storage. Deli meats can be safely frozen for up to three months). We recommend consuming within 3 days of defrosting.